Boa constrictor

Boa constrictor

Boa constrictor

Conservation status: CITES – Appendix II.

Geographic range: Northern Mexico, Andes mountain range (South America: Peru, northwestern Argentina). Islands: Trinidad and Tobago, Dominica, Saint Lucia, Belize, Honduras.

Physical description: The size of the snake depends on their habitat and gender (females are typically bigger), but the average length is 1,2 to 4 m long. The longest registered individual was 5,5 meters long. They can weigh up to 30 kg and have a specific colour pattern, usually from creamy brown to light brown colour. They have temperature-sensitive sensors on their face that help to hunt.

Biology: These snakes are solitary and active at night, spending daytime resting in their hiding places in the trees. Their habitat can vary from semi-desert drylands to tropical forests but they prefer trees and are most often found near rivers or ponds. During their breeding season, the females will gestate for about 110 days and then give birth to up to 60 live, fully developed young which are between 44 and 50 cm long. 

Lifespan: In the wild 10-15 years, in captivity 25-35 years.

Food habits: Lizards, birds, small mammals (bats, monkeys, squirrels, rats etc.). Can eat bigger farm animals – chickens, rabbits.

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