Crested gecko
Correlophus ciliatus
Conservation status: IUCN – VU (Vulnerable).
Geographic range: New Caledonia.
Physical description: This is one of the largest species of geckos, growing up to 25 cm long and weighing up to 35 g. One remarkable feature of these geckos is the special hairline above their eyes which looks similar to eyelashes. They also have special structured pillows on their fingers that are covered with tiny hairs. These allow them to climb exceptionally well and let them manoeuvre across trees and leaves with ease. Additionally, the tips of their tails can curl up and help them hold onto branches. If their tail ever falls off it never grows back. The crested gecko has no eyelids, but their eyes are covered with a clear protective membrane. This means they have to periodically lick their eyes to keep them clean and moist. Their colour can vary from red to orange or yellow.
Biology: During daytime these lizards rest in dense vegetation near forests, preferring to hunt during the night. At night they are very active and can jump short distances from one branch to another as they are very well adapted to their environment. They moult once a week while young and once every month or two when fully matured. The females lay two eggs at a time and they hatch after 60-150 days.
Lifespan: 15-20 years.
Food habits: Insects, fruit, plant juice or other plant liquids.