Conservation status: In the wild IUCN – NT (Near threatened).
Geographic range: All over the world.
Physical description: Domestic rabbits all originate from wild European rabbits. These animals are bred all over the world, so there are many different sizes and colours. Wild rabbits usually are grey or dark grey coloured and weigh approximately 1,5-2,5 kg. Domestic rabbits can weigh from 2 to 20 kg. Males are usually bigger than females and rabbits’ teeth grow throughout their life. Their eyes are located on the sides of their heads and they, therefore, have almost 360-degree vision.
Biology: Wild rabbits spend most of their life in burrows. They are social animals and live in groups of 6-10 individuals. Bigger groups have dominance hierarchies, where the strongest male and female-dominated. They are most active during the sunrise and at dusk. They are always alert and ready to run and are never too far from their burrows while foraging. Rabbits thump their hindlimbs on the ground to warn of danger.
Lifespan: Wild rabbits for about 9 years, domestic – about 15 years.
Food habits: Grasses and hay, fruit and vegetables as treats.